Nectar is the Return Home, the Juicy Nourishment You Gift Yourself Daily.
Nectar is our vital life force; without its divine replenishment, nothing flourishes. We all need its warmth and love. When we allow the Hearts Nectar in, we heal ourselves, and in turn, we heal the planet.
This is your homecoming—a place to be grounded, to trust, surrender, and simply be. Show up just as you are, knowing you’re in good hands. Experience a nurturing, safe space to rest and rejuvenate.
At The Heart of Nectar
We believe in the great power of plants, the silent intelligence that lives among & within us always.
The Nectar Within.
In Hindu Mythology there is a miraculous substance known as “Amrit” or Nectar, that contains infinite healing power. This golden nectar or sacred elixir is the drink of immortality.
The sweet, potent, heavenly essence that lubricates our spirit back to life. The Nectar of life calls us to identify and relish in places, practice, people, and activities that regenerate and heal.
Medicine is needed, and it comes in subtle form that can be overlooked. Seek out the simple and nourishing. Don’t underestimate this remedy. Tap into your inner sap, feed the nectar within.